Hy! I am Amisha DixitA coding enthusiast, who is passionate about learning new technologies and building web applications. Currently, I am focusing on imporoving my skills in Data Structure and Algorithms(DSA) actively working on Web Development projects using MERN stack to put my skills into practice. I have strong foundation in programming languages such as C++, python and JavaScript and I like exploring different libraries and frameworks to build web applications. My interest in coding started when I was in school, but got deepened in college. Since then I am continuosly learning and experimenting. Looking for opportunities to collaborate with others who share the same interest as mine. Always open to explore new opportunities!!
Web Development
Competitive Programming
EducationI have completed my schooling from St. Paul's Sr. Sec. School, Etah-207001 (UP) and currrently pursuing my BTech in Mechanical Engineering from National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirapalli(IInd year UG)
X - (2018-2019)98.6%(CBSE)
XII - (2020-2021)97.2%(CBSE)
B Tech - (2021-current)CGPA - 8.68NIT-T (First Year)
SkillsI have learned the following skills as a part of my small journey as a web developer that inculede HTML, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap, JQuery and React for frontend. And MongoDB, NodeJs and ExpressJS for backend. I have worked somewhat with HTML5 canva. I have also done some projects in Machine Learning.
Apart fromWeb-Dev
Recent Projects Of Mine
I contributed to the website made for our Departmental Symposium Synergy'23 that was used for a number of registrations (600+) for events, workshops, guestlectures etc all around south India.
This chat app is made using MERN stack collabed with socket.io for real time messaging. The UI of this app is designed using the ChakraUI library.
This is being made using React, mongoose and quill library. It does include the use of socket.io for allowing people to work on the same file from different locations simultaneously.
This is the same Portfolio you are going through that is being made using the React frontend Framework. For the animations in the site framer-motion library is being used.
This is my first small frontend project I made for a club inductions. It basically makes use of HTML, CSS, Javascript , Bootsrtrap and Jquery. The Game is named as 'Fortunate-Hmanae'
These are few pieces of HTML5 canva codes for contellation effect , physics friction on a ball etc done using javascript for fun.
This ML project makes use of TensorFlow library with Keras API to predict text.
This is also a ML project that can summarise news articles and can give you a gist of the news. It also tells about polarity of the news.